but it can teach us which leaders to follow.

I only have one question: Are Joe the Plumber and Joe Six-Pack the same guy?
He sounds perfect for the job...He'll carry around 6-packs of beer, passing them out to all needy Americans. But more importantly, being trained as a plumber, he can deal with all the "crapola" in Washington.
That settles it. I'm voting for Joe!!!!
Sassy says,
"Some days you're the dog,
some days you're the hydrant."
My Parents, 1950
My parents met on a blind date in Savannah, my mother's hometown. My dad was from Erie and stationed at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, just across the Savannah River. Mother always said it was "love at first sight" for her, but I think Daddy is the one who looks "smitten".
Have Fun!