BULLIES come in all ages

BULLIES come in all ages
(click to see movie trailer)

Surround yourself with positive people,
energy, and situations;
always avoid negativity.


Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So, love the people who treat you right.

Forgive, and then forget about the ones who don't.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Back to School???

Yesterday was the first day of school in our county. Although this is my fourth year of retirement, I still experience a bit of "Back to School" excitement and anticipation.
However, those feelings are fleeting...I take a deep breath, relax, and assume the "retired position", as depicted in the picture above. I hope all my girlfriends have a wonderful school year....
(Thanks for the use of your beautiful pool, Sister S.)


Anonymous said...

I was worried about you the entire day---NOT!!! but, I'm glad you enjoyed the day and I'm sure you had a cold one for all of your sistas'

Anonymous said...

Wow! You are looking more and more like my younger sister?! You look great---the working out is paying off! Motivate me, please.