Tonya Mackey
The LadyBehind Beside The Legend
The Lady

Lance and Tonya Mackey
2009 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race Restart
Willow, AK
Am I right, Ladies!?!
Tonya Mackey is no exception.
Like other mushers' wives I have met, (including Kate Palfrey and Scarlett Hall) Tonya is the "glue that holds the team together."

Tonya's life is not easy, but I never heard her complain. She loves her family and the lifestyle she and Lance have chosen.
Wanna know a cool piece of trivia?
Instead of wedding bands, Tonya and Lance have ring shaped tattoos w/ each other's name on their ring fingers.
As I said to Tonya, "You can't ever take off that ring."

Job Well Done, Lady!
Best Seat in the House
for the Ceremonial Start
I'm in the bottom left corner of the shot, kneeling in front of the "A" of white banner that says "Anchorage"-

I was looking through some pictures on-line today and found this picture of me taken at the Ceremonial Start. The picture was taken from the same spot where the Borealis Broadband Webcam is located. I had been trying to get in a location where Hubby (who I was talking to on the phone) could snip my picture from the computer.
I wasn't supposed to be that far down the street, but I discovered that w/ a VIP Pass, a sweet smile, and if you act like you belonged, security just smiled back...
Besides, with my southern accent it was obvious that I was just some redneck who didn't know any better-chuckle!
Besides, with my southern accent it was obvious that I was just some redneck who didn't know any better-chuckle!
Ignorance is Bliss!!!
I have become a true Iditarod Junkie!!! I've done nothing constructive since I've been home from ANC (I have unpacked, but that's it!!!) I stay glued to the computer waiting for updates, news, photos...Thank you, Hubby for being so patient and understanding. Next year I won't come home until the winner has reached Nome...
Each time I talk to Jan on the phone I more desperately long to be there w/ her in Nome. I had no idea it would be like this... this close feeling of connection to the race and the teams who are running.
~~~~~~~~ has a very cool feature called "Voices From the Trail: Audio and Video Clips":
Please pass this to Tonya for me, Kathy
I Salute you Tonya Mackey,
I was a Navy wife for 22 years and understand what it takes to be a member of the elite group of:
"Wives who Serve so our Husbands can Shine"
Very Sincerely,
Kathy Blanchard Two Rivers, Alaska
Thanks for sharing all this info.
You have done a wonderful job and its been so interesting. You have put a tremendous effort into it.
Your passion and love comes shining thru.
Just be careful for UFO's.........
Hey there Kit
This is a fabulous I am becoming an Iditarod junkie too!
I totally agree with that saying...I am also one of those behind the scenes mom/wife.
Thanks for sharing this special lady with us!
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