The Japanese Maple is gorgeous and the Kwanzan Cherry tree is ready to explode with color.

Buddy even took his first creek dip of the season.
I'm afraid we're in for a reality check come Monday. I hope it doesn't kill all the new growth in our yard, but more importantly, I hope the grape crop in the local vineyards are spared. They lost everything a couple of years ago to a late freeze.
Hi! Spring is really nice! We get to play with our boys and girls and have more fun! The photos are wonderful!
Brrrrr! That looks pretty cold for your area. We haven't seen much sign of spring yet up here. Still below zero often at night. It was a cold March! Sure hope Spring shows up soon!
Hope the freeze misses all of you!
Oh my, those temperatures sound so cccccold..................
Vicki from N.D.!!!!!!
(hope the vineyards are ok)
Mamma said she knew we would have one more cold spell before Easter! Yesterday was fantastic in Savannah...azaleas blooming everywhere! We are to be in the low 30s while you are in the 20s. Too cold for me in April! Your mother and PK looked wonderful! I remember those days! SH
Buddy looks like he's having a wonderful time! We are expecting 6 inches of snow tonite! UGH!!!
I hope you do not get that freeze. =) First crick dives are the best.
what a wonderfull day you had! :)
but it looks like it´s going to get cold!
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