Zack learned a painful lesson by trying to jump over the Dutch door.
I heard the commotion coming from the dogroom around 11:30 Wednesday evening and knew immediately what had happened. Apparently, he didn't see the top of the door, halfway closed and hit his head on the bottom corner of the top door, in mid-leap.
I immediately ran to him and he appeared quite dazed and disoriented. Sassy and Buddy were standing close, obviously aware that something bad had happened.
His skin and fur were peeled back, exposing a huge, ugly gash on the top of his head.
That's when I went weak in the knees.

After a trip to the vet, (no stitches needed), a shot of penicillin, applications of Neosporin 3 x daily, and plenty of TLC, he is resting comfortably. Although it looks as though he has been partially scalped, the vet said it probably hurt me much more than it hurt him.

He's been a good patient and hasn't tried to rub off the Neosporin.
Hubby, jokingly said the wound looks like a coin slot on a piggy (doggie) bank.
Yes, I've learned a lesson too...
make sure the Dutch door is open all the way.
Poor baby!! Ow is right!
I wonder if he saw tiny tennis balls swimming around his head in his dazed state?!
I hope he's feeling better soon!
Yes, it's tough when the "kids" hurt themselves!!Rougher on Mom some times!
Bless his sweet heart! I gasped when I saw the cut. Yuck! I would have panicked myself. I hope he heals quickly.
oh I am sooo glad he is ok!!! :)
Poor Zack. It goes to show they may be getting older but they still have the mentality of a 3 year old. XOXOXO and a slurp or two.
Oh Zack I'm so sorry to hear about your accident...you must have one whopper of a headache. Daddy's right it does look like a slot in a piggy bank. Remember you, Buddy and Sassy need to be nice to Mom this weekend and give her lots of love for Mother's Day!!!
Cecilia aka Mom to Madi the Diva Cat
Obviously a plot by the neighborhood cat association to take out the opposition. I'd place guards around the perimeter...
Ouch! That is a nice size cut! Sending lot's of kisses your way!
Oh my!! Speedy recovery to Zack!!
Glad he's ok, there's nothing worse than a bump on the head :-(
I told Mom to look at this so she sees that us Labs are not as hardheaded as she thinks.
Sometimes she needs a visual but this oughta convince her so there is no need to do it again.
Woofs and dazed slobbers,
Owwwww - poor thing! We're sending all our love his way. He looks like he needs it. Have a great mom's day weekend!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Ouchie wowchie - oh you poor baby! (And I mean mom! - I couldn't have beared to see that either!) So glad he's on the mend now!
Hugs and Licks xo
ps from Sam's mom: we're leaving for AK early Sun. am and are so excited - be back in a couple of weeks - shhhh - S. doesn't know yet! She'll be fine...
Oh gee wiz, Poor baby, and poor mom. Glad you are both better. No pats on the head today, just tickles under the chin!
Oh Zack, ouchie! I'm glad you're all right.
Your pal,
I feel for Zack. I once hit myself in between the eyes with a brick paver...........I asked for the man at the Menard's gate for help, but he didn't come to help load until I was almost done.
When I came back thru the gate, to have the man check everything out, his mouth just fell open.........I went in fine, but came out with a band aid and blood all over my bangs......I told him it was a "jungle in there"......
Oh you poor guy, that looks painful. I hope it heals soon. =)
I hope I can be there to lick your wound for you, mate ! Come to think of it, I don't think I'd like the taste of that Neosporin. I'll just lick you in your ear, ok?
Get well soon.
Oh, I hope he is feeling better. Nala did a similar thing when she was 1. We were opening the back of the car to let her in (it's a hatchback style) and she jumped early and whacked her head on the corner of it but her cut wasn't quite as bad. :( Sending healing wishes for your boy.
Oh, poor baby. Yesterday Maggie fell off a pontoon boat. Two boats were being tied together after anchoring in the lake. We had Maggie, my yellow babe, Maddie, a savvy swimmer, Border Collie mix and boat ladder climber, Panzer, a German Shepherd complete with life vest, and Finnigan, picture Toto on Wizard of Oz. So, Maggie, having gone into the water at the beach for the first time two weeks ago, does not know the rules yet. She's learning. Before the boats were secure, she tried to walk from one to the other and, ploop, fell right in. Fortunately, my friend, Dan the Hero, jumped in immediately and pulled her out from between the boats. I was ready with a life jacket for him. She's 100lbs. I know she can swim, he can too, but she could sink him. Oonce he got her hoisted at the end of the ladder, two others pulled her on up. She was okay. I was near tears with panic and relief. But, she's a lab, can swim, but trying to save 100lbs...kudos to my hero, Dan, the D man!
Have a happry spring week with your dog, from 2 miss golden Zitablue and Cerise
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