BULLIES come in all ages

BULLIES come in all ages
(click to see movie trailer)

Surround yourself with positive people,
energy, and situations;
always avoid negativity.


Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So, love the people who treat you right.

Forgive, and then forget about the ones who don't.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Max at Dog Daze

Our dear fur-iend Max, from South Africa, is on a Cyber-World Tour, visiting all his doggie blogging friends who love him.
We were tickled pink that Max was able to spend time with us in North Georgia. Upon his arrival, Max was smothered in kisses and good old-fashioned, southern hospitality.

While Momma prepared lunch, we went outside to sniff the fresh mountain air,bark at squirrels, and chase balls. We lazed in the southern sunshine while Max shared amazing stories about South Africa.

We had worked up quite an appetite when Momma rang the lunch bell and
hollered from the back porch, "Y'all come!"

Momma served a traditional southern lunch, that would have made Paula Deen proud. We enjoyed shrimp and grits, cornbread, pickled okra, and sweet iced tea with a sprig of fresh mint. For dessert, we had individual Georgia pecan pies. My, my, how Momma blushed when Max asked for second helpings!

Following lunch, we all curled up by the fire, sharing secrets and Nylabones. We were disappointed when Momma announced it was time for Max to leave us and continue his tour.

As Max rode away, Momma noticed that the last bud on the Christmas Cactus was blooming. A perfect ending to a perfect day.

We will forever cherish our special time with Max and hope he enjoyed our southern comfort!
Max's World Tour:

Happy Trails,


Ina in Alaska said...

Utterly charming!! I wish I knew how to help Max travel to Anchorage to do some ice skating, visit our local moose and hang out with my gang!!! xoxo Maybe someone can give me some advice on how to get Max to Anchorage??? xoxo

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Had we known about those nom noms, we would have been there too!

It so looks like Max had a great time!

Thanks fur being part of this special tour of love!

Happy Valentine's Day!

PeeEssWoo: Mom is suddenly khraving some of THAT kind of Southern Khomfort!

Emma Rose said...

Wonderful! Looks like Max Dog had a great time.

Emma Rose

Sierra Rose said...

A great stop with all of you. Happy Valentine's Day! We are drooling at the delicious lunch you served! And, with amazing company! Blessings.

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

ANother great stop for Max in his world tour!!!!
He's having such a special time with special friends....
and you're one of them!!!!
Sure Max had great moments with all of you!!!!!!!!
And sure he'll leave a special prints in our hearts!!!!

HAppy happy Valentine's day dear friends!!!!

Bobby said...

What a great day you all had, Happy Valentines Day.

kks said...

i'm with you Ina! i want Max to visit my pack too....help..
so cute!! and sweet!

Maxmom said...

Hey there Kit and all the charming doggies!

We have been utterly overwhelmed in this amazing global love! Mom has been smiling widely all day...laughing too...and shedding tears sometimes.

Thank you for your amazing hospitality. You lunch was super-duper! I was about to ask for 'thirds', but thought maybe that would be greedy...afterall I had so many doggie-friends around who were also enjoying the spoils.
Thank you for this incredibly special VALENTINE'S DAY. (A true "family" day, not so?!)

You guys are such special friends. I will cherish all these memories forever!
(ps You are our "17th" stopping point...WOW!)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely, heartfelt blog post today. It made my day before the sun is even up! The pictures are terrific, and the food is yummy sounding! Max was blessed to be able to see you and pups on his tour. My prayers are with him and his family. SH

Thor and Jack said...

You sure had a wonderful time with Max! Beautiful picture of you three!
Happy Valentine's Day!


D.K. Wall said...

We are really enjoying seeing where all Max has visited today. We have added your blog to the links in our post (as we discover where all he has been).

My Mind's Eye said...

ABSOLUTELY the most touching post in honor of Max's visit to GA.
Beautifully written full of puppy love.
Madi and Mom

Unknown said...

Oh how beautiful! So wonderful Max got to have some Southern Confort! I sure wish Max could visit us too.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Awwww Sweet!!! Perfect day to have Max visit. The LOVE day!!!!

How Sam Sees It said...

Another wonderful stop for Max! Go Max! We hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day!


Stella said...

Wow, what a special time Max had with all of you!

This has been the best Valentine's Day ever!


♥I am Holly♥ said...

What a wonderful thing to do for Maxdog..let him visit all over the world. I know he enjoyed his stay with all of you..he sure looks happy to be there. Lots of love, Debbie and Hollydog

Unknown said...

Boy, I'll say you'd make Paula Deen proud! We'll be right over for supper, especially if there's any of that pecan pie left!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Your pal,


Andrea said...

Praying for Maxx. He is a handsome, sweetie pie!

Clive said...

Greetings from Clive and Murray in Dublin. We just wanted to drop by and say 'hello' on this very special Valentine's Day for Max.

What a fantastic time Max had with you - you showed him some real 'southern' hospitality!

Happy Valentine's Day!

lots of love from
Clive and the NSLM

Golden Samantha said...

What an incredibly wonderful visit Max had with you! And what a super lunch Mom served! I'm licking my chops just thinking about the meal - and the great playtime in lovely Georgia! Was furry touched to read about that last blossom... Happy Valentine's Day to you all!
Hugs xo

Asta said...

Zach ,Sassy , and Buddy

Youw Soufewn Hospitality was just what Max needed. That meal must have filld him wif mowe than yummie tastes...so much love was inclooded
smoochie kisses

Unknown said...

Aaah, the world famous Southern hospitality. I love the line about exchanging secrets and Nyla bones!!!
What a tour. I still can't believe we pulled it off. Best Valentine's day ever...

Life With Dogs said...

Max is like Visa - he's been taken everywhere you want to be! :)

Taffy said...

Max has been quite the world traveler! I'm sure he enjoyed your southern hospitality! How could he not? Pecan pie? Never had it but it sure sounds delish. Guess I will have to visit the south sometime too ;o)
Happy Valentine's Day to you three and your humans!

chelle said...

Very Cool.....Sounds like a good time was had by all....but ummmm...you got any leftover's to share???? LOL

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Max looks pawfectly at home there with the three of you - and your Mom is fantastic, what a great meal she prepared for all of you. We bet Max was so thrilled with all the love surrounding him. Mom loves the litle tidbit about the Christmas cactus flower - a plant very special to her because of the memories it brings of her grandmother.

Thanks for sharing the love with Max.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Suka said...

hey Zack, Buddy, and Sassy,

What perfect hosts you doggies make! And your mom! Her cooking sounds so good I would have asked for fifths!

Thank you for sharing your wonderful visit with Maxdog. He is a lucky dog to have such amazing friends as all of you.

I am so happy to read that Maxdog is getting out and able to visit all of his loving friends. I am sure it brings much peace and comfort to his heart.

Have a sweet Valentine's Day!


Duke said...

Oh boy, oh boy, does that Southern lunchie ever sound delicious! Max is one lucky boy to be able to share it with you guys!
Happy Valentine's day!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

JacksDad said...

Who is keeping track of Max's tour and how do we get him to come visit us?

Remington said...

Max is so cool and is having a great trip! Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

Farley said...

What a wonderful visit, Max is an amazing boy. Happy Valentine's Day to you all

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Mom and I are drooling at your delicious southern lunch. It looks like Max had a great time wiff you all. This has been the best Valentines day ever!!!


KB said...

Wow, what a visit, and what a lunch! Max was treated to true southern hospitality plus the overwhelming love of some labradors. I bet that you had fun with him!

Thanks for such a charming story.

River said...

That was a great visit! It looks like Max really enjoyed it.

love & wags,

Deborah said...

Hi guys! Max had a nice visit in No. Georgia! There is nothing like good old fashion love!!!
Happy Valentine's Day!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hey Kit and the gang,
We had a very loving day!! I hope you did too!!!
A great post on Max's visit!!!
I, like Ina, don't know how to get Max to Reedville. I only went to see him one time and he never came over to see us, so we really didn't know Max. He was a beauitful dog!! He is gone now, right?
Love you all lots, Bambi & Fern

Amber and Nala said...

How fun! That southern cookin' is making me and my Mom drool! :)


Moose said...

Life is not complete with out a good southern meal! You pups were great hosts!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a wonderful time (and NUMMY lunch) you gave Max!!
