BULLIES come in all ages

BULLIES come in all ages
(click to see movie trailer)

Surround yourself with positive people,
energy, and situations;
always avoid negativity.


Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So, love the people who treat you right.

Forgive, and then forget about the ones who don't.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Get Your Hot Nuts Here

Does anyone else remember

I bet Madi's Mom does, although she might not care to admit it....

Yep, it's hot here!!!

You can see the 3 H's (Hot, Humid, Hazy)
in this photo taken in our front yard.

Y'all, please stay safe in this dangerous heat.


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! What a great stretch ... YES it's HOT HOT HOT n staying indoors. Be Safe n Say Cool. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

TexWisGirl said...

yeah, yesterday was our 18th straight day over 100, but at least we don't have the killer humidity - too dry. drought. no rain. i guess it's got to be good for something, right?

Anonymous said...

The Hub says it's too hot to even play golf. I have stayed indoors every day for about a week now. Tootie does her business outside really quick then dances on the hot deck to get back inside. Faded Roses and I are planning a trip to Red River, NM with our hubs and I can't imagine needing a sweatshirt but yes, it's that cool.

Sharon said...

Those 3 Hs really are bad right now, especially the humid part! I am staying right here in the house with Jack, Jill and DC!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't 6 in. of snow be delightful right now?!!!!!!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

HOT is truly an understatement!!! Please bring relief soon.

Mom says she knows the ding-a-ling song but never heard of those Hot Nuts: And she IS old.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

SQUIRREL.... S Q U I R R E L !!!!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Stay cool my furiends!
Happy Wednesday!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Two French Bulldogs said...

never heard of those nuts
Benny & Lily

animal lover, quilt lover said...

We have had it Hot since the first of May!! Thank the Lord for AC!! I feel so sorry for all the people who live in the north and have no AC!!!
So glad Buddy is getting better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May i call you??
Hugs Girlfriend, Fern

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

You all stay safe too!! Don't let those squirrels get down from the trees!!

Dory, Jacob & Bilbo

Ina in Alaska said...

Never heard of them either but saw the dreadful heat on the evening news- hope you are staying cool - it's even warm here- was 75 degrees! I had fun with the hose - Halle loves to be soaked!!! PS -yes that was the same store where we got Halle's pink harness! They moved the store near Southside Bistro where we had lunch & also it's been sold to wonderful new owners!!! xo

JacksDad said...

Fortunately it's raining here. Wonderful cool rain!

Rock Chef said...

Feel free to send us a bit of your heat - it is cool and raining here in England!

Unknown said...

Not sure Mom knows those Nuts! We are getting cabin fever here in FL! Puppy kisses, Miss Mindy

Susan said...

I remember the group! Cute pic! And it feels like the H's to the nth degree here! Wish I could stick my tongue out like Buddy! I am sure that helps!

Unknown said...

We have all the 3 H's here too!!!

Stay cool!!!

Unknown said...

BOL I love the title and then the first pic! so true.
Yup we are sorching here in Texas always over 100 every day but atleast we dont have humidity at this time, that is a killer. Stay cool!

Anna the GSD said...

It is so hot, but we've had some rains to make it not sooooo bad. I want to give slobbery kisses to who invented the AC!

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL Buddy my fine looking tall dark handsome labra-friend...you are so right. Mom is denying all knowledge of the Hot Nuts....
We have been seeing a lot of squirrels spread eagle in the shade under the deck bench.
Stay cool sweet friend,
Hugs from Your BFFF Madi

Hoke said...

You stay cool!!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

We will try to package up some ocean breeze for you
Benny & Lily

NCmountainwoman said...

Nu-u-u-uts, Hot Nuts, you get'em from the peanut man! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, nu-u-u-uts, hot nuts, you get'em any way you can.

I thought Doug Clark was a local NC group! I must admit to dancing to their lyrics. Haven't thought of them since college, but those songs still stay in my brain.