Looks like Peter bit off more than he can swallow.
Does the Heimlich Maneuver work on opposums?
I guess I should put out a glass of milk to help wash it down-chuckle!
Ellie Mae Clampett was my role-model!
My buddy, Wayne Hall, completed the Yukon Quest!!!!
Congrats Wayne and Scarlett!
Now all eyes are on Anchorage...

Be sure to check out this view next Saturday for the Ceremonial Start of the 2009 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.
We were invited to our neighbors' (and dear friends) house this week for an Iditarod Bon Voyage dinner. We had delicious lasagna and Baked Alaska for dessert. How cool is that!?!

They also gave me this beautiful chest.
Thank you from the bottom of my Alaska-Bound heart!