~William James~
I was surprised to find this message in my blog comments this week.

Your website has been hand selected and recognized by Pet Supplies Place to receive our
~C, The Rocker
Our parents were dear friends and our families visited each other over the years. When ~C's father retired, his family moved to Georgia so our families could continue their special friendship.
Although our parents are gone, ~C and I have continued that friendship. He visited us from Houston a couple of years ago.
I guess you could say ~C is like family to me...
Enjoy your special day, My Friend!
Krissy Kitty was a stray until she found her fur-ever home w/ ~C.
As exciting as it is to see these beautiful creatures "up close and personal", they are wild animals and must be treated as such.
It concerns me greatly that the bears are hungry and their search for food has forced them to become comfortable around humans. I have been told that if we call the DNR, they will euthanize the animals, because of their contact/comfort with humans.
I think a better alternative is to respect the bears' space and not leave anything (pet food, birdseed, trash, etc) around to entice them. I'm also encouraging the dogs to bark before we go out walking.
I don't need first hand proof of "Does a wild bear sh*t in the woods!?!"
1. Get plenty of rest. 2. Eat a healthy diet. 3. Drink lots of water. 4. Exercise daily. 5. Keep a smile on your face. 6. Let your hoomans give you a bath when needed. 7. Pick collar colors that look good with your fur.
We would like to pass this award on to:
1. Mason, 2. Luna, 3. Sassy Sasha, 4. Khyra, 5. Sammie, 6. Moose, 7. Homer
I think the dirt must have been cooler to Sassy. I don't think you can see it, but the dogs are tethered. They were tethered at all times, as there were coyotes and wolves close by.
Of course, everyone preferred sleeping inside.
The sofa was a favorite spot.
Sweet dreams, Sas.
I'm heading to the lake with my girlfriends for a couple of days.
I think Hubby will enjoy the time alone as I've been smothering him with attention since his return.
I hope my auto post works while I'm away. I'll catch up with all of you at the end of the week.