Two weeks ago I was startled to discover a bear raiding the bird feeders on the deck. Our neighbors have had several bear visits and were surprised to see a bear checking things out in their basement.

While this bear was in the basement, there was another bear (sibling?) in a nearby tree.

As exciting as it is to see these beautiful creatures "up close and personal", they are wild animals and must be treated as such.

It concerns me greatly that the bears are hungry and their search for food has forced them to become comfortable around humans. I have been told that if we call the DNR, they will euthanize the animals, because of their contact/comfort with humans.
I think a better alternative is to respect the bears' space and not leave anything (pet food, birdseed, trash, etc) around to entice them. I'm also encouraging the dogs to bark before we go out walking.
I don't need first hand proof of "Does a wild bear sh*t in the woods!?!"
Amazing pictures!! Very glad nobody got hurt. The bears look like mama just set them loose.
Yikes! How did the puppies react?
Wow, that is a little too close for me. I hope you are all protecting your Mom and Dad, but don't get too close, please.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
What beautiful creatures! I have never seen a bear but I sure love them! I am glad you did not call the DNR. It makes me so sad and angry that they will kill a beautiful creature just because it is hungry and looking for food. Humans are the ones that have taken over the land, what are the animals to do? You have a good heart to not call the DNR!
That is smart to have your dogs bark before walking. Please be careful! Those bears sure are beautiful but you are right, they are wild!
Thats scary!!!
These pictures are incredible - you can ever see the individual hairs on his back. Please be careful.
Our Mom has never seen a bear in the wild even though we also know the answer to the "Does a bear....." question. It does it anywhere it pleases and under your apple trees too!
We are leery of skunks when we go out so Mom is always singing a made up skunk song if it is after dark. We sure hope no one else can hear her crazy songs she makes us a we go along - they would have her institutionalized.
Have a wonderful day.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
wow, that is crazy! they do look young and hungry....so smart not to call the DNR! there was a case recently in a small town in wisconsin where a black bear was treed in a local park with people and was shot and killed!!! (for the safety of people) unbelievable....poor thing was scared and trying to hide and get away....what ever happened to tranqing and relocating? big controversy....
Furry khool shots!
Tank woo fur sharing!
They same thing happens with the poor deer in many sekhtions of my area: humans keep building and building on THEIR 'yards' and wonder why the deer khome into theirs!
Buddy, Sassy and Zack your Mom is so funny. Does a wild bear....I'm loltime!! She is very right though...we humans are taking away habitats. Thanks Ms. K an A+ from my teacher has me nearly doing the happy hummingbird dance.
Mom only Madi is off somewhere being a diva.
Oh my, what up close pictures those are. Just becareful on your walks, as I'm sure you will be.
Whoa...Glad that you guys are big dogs!! Also glad you have such a caring Mom! Deer are also the big thing here in Central Texas...with the big "contruction boom" a lot of deer are out of homes and the humans are up in arms about it....Hmmmmmm, seems like it is their fault!!
Ooops, stepping off my little soapbox..
Oh what a gorgeous creature! It is so sad that they have to go further and further out of their comfort zone in search of food jeopardizing yours & their safety! Stay safe on your walks K ♥
Yikes, that is scary! Glad everyone is ok!!
Those were definitely curious bears! I saw a sad story on cable about the bears at the state parks that had to be euthanized because of careless campers / visitors feeding them, leaving trash out, etc.
Wowwowwow! IN THE BASEMENT????? That would be frightening for me - incredible!!!! Weren't the labs barking loudly??? I know Sam would have freaked out with the loud ear piercing woofs!!!
I agree with you. Wow, that was a close encounter of the bear kind. Lucky for us, we only come face to face with the occasional gopher.
What does sh*t mean?
I have only seen bears in the media or in zoos, but his one looks thin to me. They are really hungry when they take the chance to come around people. People, in trying to be kind, are really hurting them by leaving food accessible. Same thing here off the coast with people feeding dolphins...and now they are being killed by boats. Oh, for appropriate co-existence of all God's creatures! Be careful! And do not call DNR! SH
great pictures... we also see deer ocassionally, but yikes! Bears!
Oh My! I hope the "lions and tigers" dont follow ;)
Oh my gosh, I'm glad it didn't come to visit when your dogs were outside! Amazing...
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