~Josh Billings
We were tagged by our good Labbie friend, Moose, to play "Oops I ate it!"

"When accepting this award, you must blog about the food you have stolen when your humans were not watching. If you have never stolen any food, you must have been a really good pup! You can accept this yummy tray of cookies as your reward! Next add the logo of this award to your blog (optional), then nominate at least 5 other furry blogs and let them know by leaving a message on their blogs."
If you haven't yet been tagged to play along, feel free to take the award.
Sassy is the only one who has stolen food. A chocolate pie was left on the counter and before we realized, she had licked off the top layer of whipped cream. Fortunately, she was discovered before reaching the chocolate.
You seem to be a good person to ask this question: Do ALL labs snore? Jack has gotten somewhat better (or maybe I got used to it) - but at one time I thought he had beans stuck up his nose or something!
Sassy, you are a smart girl!
have a great wknd K!
i couldn't with Sassy more...
and have fun with that 'ate it' award and Sassy is SMART as she's not letting on too much......smart girl as your mumster thinks that's ALL you've stolen...eh eaten
chikisses for a fab weekend
oh dear i must ensure mumsy PROOF READS more as i think i just saw an incomplete sentence just as i clicked 'publish'......
ah well, i know you will understand with or without THAT word....
Sassy what true words you speak today!!!! Our animals try to teach us unconditional love...we just need to pay attention.
Madi and Mom
I am starting to think that my Moose has a real problem! He steals more than most it seems! It was already a habit when I adopted him and he only does it when I am not looking so not sure how to correct him! Anywho... I am very impressed with you pups!
So....Thank God for dogs!
Sassy...a girl after my own heart...or stomach!!! SH
Good thing she didn't get to the chocolate!
Happy Friday All!
May the good foods find woo!
Thanks for the wonderful words Sassy!!
Happy Long Weekend!
Sassy, so true, so true.
Oh that is funny!! My dogs are so small and are always nearby. One thing they look forward to is Thanksgiving when they can scope out the table. They skulk around and look for opportunities to jump onto a dining room chair, then onto the table!!! They are so clever!!!!
Toby is very skilled at grabbing food out of my hand if I am carrying it from Point A to Point B.....
I am leaving ANC at the very reasonable hour of 9:30 am on Sept 5 but don't land in Newark until 11:15 PM so it will be a very long day......
I really think you should make each dog a cool whip pie...........
congrats on your award - and we love you pic
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
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