Rain and light sleet were predicted for Wednesday night, with no accumulations expected. The sleet quickly changed to snow and accumulated on raised surfaces such as decks, trees, grassy areas, and Black Labradors.

A Winter Weather Advisory was posted by 11:30 PM.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We hope everyone has a happy and safe New Year's Eve.

Happy Trails,
It was SOOOOO khool to get the email earlier about your SNOW SNOW SNOW!
Isn't it great???
I know woo have been asking 'us' to send it your way!
As fur the hair 'thing', my mom has THAT smile on her face!
Happy ALMOST 2010!
PeeEssWoo: I'm supposed to get 'some' too!
I find that if you just ignore the hair, it goes away. Mostly on your sandwiches when you're trying to eat. But I just look at it as extra fiber!
Stay warm - and remind the puppies to wipe their feets when they come in from playing in the snow!
hehehehe Guess you guys had fun in the snow! Happy New Year!
That's one FULL hair bucket! Hope it doesn't find it's way on YOUR sandwiches... :)
Happy New Year!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Just rain in Savannah, and that is fine with us! Glad you had some snow, and it does show up great on Buddy! I have some Cami hair...very fine, but at least it only comes out when combed! Happy New Year! I look forward to more great blog info! I saw where you won an award! Congrats! SH
I like your kind of snow, the kind that doesn't stick around for long! We've had a couple of days with temps at 40, but no sunshine, so our snow is still around and will do so through most of next week, too. Tootie doesn't like the snow....she gets lost in it! Bet your labs love it!
Happy New Year!
Ya know, before PeeWee came to my estate, the lab lady said, "Labs shed a lot" and momma just poo poo'd it all sayin that I shed a lot and she was prepared. NOT!
I cannot believe how much fur comes off of you little doggies. My sissy-in-law has two very furry cats and she also thought that she knew what shedding was all about. But when my idiot nephew, Oliver, moved into her house she was ASTOUNDED!
Lab hair everywhere! In the fridge, in the bathroom, in the bed, under furniture, all over momma, ick.
P.S. Even so, momma says she would get another labradork in a heartbeat. I hope she doesn't mean it.
That lab fur looks quite familiar! It's all over my house and I don't have a purebred Lab...a part Lab/Cocker/Shepherd/Collie...and does she shed. We received the same as you..snow, sleet, freezing rain...I haven't been out but my car is once again covered along with the sidewalks and grass. Happy New Year!!!!!
Snow is good! You should spin up all the hair and make a sweater to keep warm in the snowy weather!
Enjoy that snow!! We sure do, which is a good thing since it's on the ground from Dec to April!
One of my Labs is blowing her coat too! It's way too early around here, making me worried that she has low thyroid again. I think that it's time for a blood test!
Snow! We didn't get any but we are in the valley in north Ga. Beagles don't have much hair to give away but my mom just has some lambrusco to celebrate with. Happy New Year to you all!
love & wags,
Isn't snow wonderful?! It changes the landscape so quickly! Those were huge snowflakes coming down!
Maybe a "fiber artist" could use all of that fur for a project! LOL
I've actually spun and crocheted
Sheltie and Golden fur before! HA!
Extra fiber HA... that TG is so funny.
Enjoy your snow and happy new year to all of you!!!
happy new years! I think I have plenty of pit bull hair
Happy New Year and enjoy all of your snow! Just don't try to eat it all like I do! M.O.M. says she loves your header photo with the great look of anticipation that only us beautiful doggies can show! Hugs and wags, Mistaya
Happy New Year Kit!!
Snowflakes on Black Labs ...Love it! On my first walk with Ernie it began to snow and I was looking with awe at the different, perfect patterns of each flake. He is asleep at my feet as I blog - happy and content after a nice long walk/breakfast. Thanks for all your lovely comments/emails/good wishes this past year ♥
Hi Ms. K, hubby, Buddy, Sassy and Zack,
Madi and I wish you all a very Happy New Year. Ms. K your blog was the first I ever read! I learned a lot too. Once a teacher always a teacher!!! From your blog I found Daily Dose of Jack. You and TG were the reason I started this blog journey. I thank you for all you taught me...Madi says she'd thank you too if the flashy beast was put away more. What a hunk of great Lab Hair!!!
Madi and Mom
Man, snow in Georg-ah! So close to me! Dang it! I'm glad you guys got to enjoy it!
Maybe you can take all the puppy hair and make a coat for mom? I bet that would keep her warm!
Happy New Year!!
Hooray for the snow!!
I get a bucket of lab hair like that every other day when I sweep my floor. hahah. Gotta love those labs!
We don't need any hair here, but thanks for the offer!
Have a happy new year!
I love snow too! I am so glad you pups finally got some snow! Enjoy it while you can, even though it looks like you already are!
Happy Woof New Year to all!
I'm so glad you got your snow! It looks pawesome! :)
Happy New Year!
Snow!!! Snow is good!!! And it shows up very well on black labs... Must remember that! Hope you had fun in the snow!
Happy New Year!
*kissey face*
So nice to see you got snow - we have lots of snow here and very cold temps. We also have lots of hair to share too:)
Happy New Year to you and your family and wishes from us to you for a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Wow - that is unusually rare!!! How furry exciting just in time for New Year's!!! Happy, Happy to the Dog Daze pups and hoomans!
Hugs xo
You got snow!!!
GREAT way to start new year!!!
And we love snowflakes on your black fur!!!!!
Sweet friends....happy happy happy new year!!!
We wish you a wonderful 2010 filled with tons of super special moments!!!!
You deserve all the best!!!!
HAve a magical New Year's night!!!!
We love your new header!!!!
What a great photo!!!
I am so happy for you. Maybe more next week!!!
Bambi has had about 6 or 7 lumps removed because they got so big on her belly. They were bothering her when she laid down. They are growing back. She has one that the vets is very worried about because it is right by her heart.
Have a good one, Fern
I had a friend who had a Lab and she use to make pin cushions for her friends and inside was Lab hair!!
I need some extra fur please! It is mighty cold here!
Happy New Year to you!
Happy New Snow Year!!!! What a happy group of deextrahaired snow labs!!!
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