I love to see and smell neatly stacked firewood in the garage...a sure sign that the days are getting shorter and cooler.
According to Wunderground Weather, the low at Turner's Corner hit 39 degrees at 6:00 this morning.
My post this morning was going to show an empty hummingbird feeder. Yesterday was the first day since April that I did not see a hummer. But sure enough, this morning I had a visitor, stopping by for some nourishment before continuing south.
Someone at your home has really got it together!
You lucky girl.
Agent Cicada
How can you assume that "Someone" isn't me????
D is a lucky guy... ;-)
Agent Cicada does not subscribe to a religion that allows him to believe a woman is capable of such a feat.
Also women do not get wood.
Agent Cicada
You So Clever, Agent ~C....
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