Can you believe it? The possibility of a couple inches of snow in North Georgia warrants a Severe Weather Alert. We're having some light flurries this morning, but no accumulation.
No matter, the mere mention of snow makes us crazy. Case in point, 2 school systems have closed for the day due to "SNOW"...
I spent 18 years in a classroom with no windows. It helped keep the kids (and teacher) calmer on days like today. I'm just happy to be retired, so I can spend the day watching the snow fly.
Does anyone else find it interesting that Sarah Palin and the snow arrived in Georgia on the same day?

I think the thing that scares the people of the south is:
1. the slipperyness as SNOT of the snow.
2. the lack of driving on ice and snow very often
3. the psychological thing of the whole #1 and #2 taken together
4. the weather service.
People came and lived and worked in Fbks AK @ Ft. Wainwright and they were fresh from the south - there were more accidents caused by people who really didn't know how to pump their brakes - even nowadays - it helps to pump brakes AS even the new brakes are at times trompted on TOO HARD. I was known as a really good person with the pulsing of my brakes - I remember having someone in my car from the east coast who was AMAZED that on sheer ice I was able to stop my car - B4 the bumper of the car in front. :)
I just LOL at your N GA snow event and the schools closing. Too funny but oh so true.
WOnder if the stores ran out of milk, eggs and bread? Never quite figured out why there is a mad rush for those 3 items. I guess there is a lot of French toast being eaten or craved.
I 100% agree with Sassy about if your dog doesn't like someone neither should you!!! Dogs and children are the absolute best judge of character.
Take care Cecilia
cool blog
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