We interrupt our regularly scheduled program, Sunday is for Family, for the following special announcement.
Gimme a break!
I'm skeptical, to say the least.
I'd love to hear from you if your pups have, or had Crazy Critters.
We interrupt our regularly scheduled program, Sunday is for Family, for the following special announcement.
Gimme a break!
I'm skeptical, to say the least.
I'd love to hear from you if your pups have, or had Crazy Critters.
Sit Happens!
Buddy entered Niamh's National Train Your Dog Month Photo Contest
(whew, that's a mouthful), with the following picture.
He's been working hard on "Down Stay" (and alien eyes) command.
Deadline for this great contest is midnight, January 31.
As luck would have it, I spent the 2 days prior to my kennel visit sick as a dog with the flu. To make matters worse, I also experienced my first and thus far, only, earthquake. I honestly thought I was hallucinating from high fever until I called the front desk of the hotel and they confirmed it was, indeed, a mild earthquake.
I secured the sled while Lynda hooked up the team.
Getting final instructions from Lynda:
"Keep your arms in the sled and your mouth shut!"
Dog Bites Firefighter In LA River Rescue
United States (California) - A German shepherd hoisted to safety from the storm-swollen Los Angeles river Friday is fine, authorities said, but the firefighter who splashed down in the daring helicopter rescue was hospitalized after being bitten by the dog.
Joe St. Georges, a 25-year department veteran, suffered severe hand and arm injuries but was in good condition at County USC Medical Center Friday, said Los Angeles fire Capt. Steve Ruda.
"He has significant injuries, bites and punctures, to his hand and arm and is being seen by a specialist," Ruda said.
The dog, nicknamed Vernon after the Southern California town where he was found, did not have a name tag or computer chip, said Sgt. Charles Miller of the Southeast Area Animal Control Authority in Downey.
The dog was quarantined to be monitored for rabies, but "appears to be well-maintained and cared for," Miller said.
At least 50 firefighters responded to reports that the dog was in the river. For an hour, firefighters stood at the top of the steep, concrete banks, throwing life vest and float rings, hoping the dog would grab on. Most of the time, the canine walked along a pipe or ledge in the center of the river, sometimes slipping. One firefighter got into the river and tried to catch him, but the dog took off. Soon the pipe was submerged.
When the helicopter hovered overhead, the dog scrambled to the side of the river and tried to climb the sides, only to slip each time.
The 50-year-old St. Georges finally splashed down from the helicopter, wrestled with the frightened canine and lifted it to safety.
At a late afternoon news conference, helicopter pilot Scott Bowman said St. Georges took a muzzle with him but he wasn't able to get it on, "so he decided to go for the capture."
Miller said the dog had some scrapes and worn nails, but was otherwise fine.
"He was fearful when he first got here, understandably. He went through a big ordeal," Miller said.
The dog will be quarantined for 10 days, unless the owner shows up with proof of rabies vaccination, Miller said. Then, the dog could be monitored at home. If the owner doesn't show up, officials will try to find the dog a new home.
Storms that started Monday have already dropped up to 8 inches of rain in Los Angeles County, the National Weather Service reported.
(Associated Press)
Happy Trails,
A pack of coyotes frequently visits our property. Although we've never seen them, they serenade us with their yip-yap howls. While the dogs find this activity upsetting, I find the coyotes' mournful cry beautiful and mesmerizing.
I realize many people consider coyotes pests and a danger to society, but I admire the coyotes' adaptability. They have managed to survive despite conflicts with man, including habitat encroachment.
I shot the video from our deck at 12:30 AM. If you listen carefully, you can hear Sassy getting the last word, as usual.
I love this song, performed by Don Edwards. You might recognize it from the ending of Grizzly Man, the story of Timothy Treadwell.
July 2, 2005
Zack loved Sassy from the minute we brought her home.
In this video, you can see his delight in having a new playmate.
~Adapted from Hallmark Cards
I sang Golden Ears to Brandy...
modified from David Bowie's Golden Years.
Brandy and I were happy to move to the North Georgia mountains.
Brandy was my first of three Golden Retrievers.