I handled for rookie Hank DeBruin and his beautiful team of Huskies from Haliburton, Ontario.
I hugged them all for Khyra!
And, yes, I did fall-TWICE!!!

It's hard to keep a Southern girl down.
Both times I was able to catch up with the team and I made it to the starting chute. Standing under the Iditarod start banner was a thrill!
I wished all the dogs and Hank a safe, healthy, and happy trip to Nome.
I had several comments regarding dropped dogs yesterday. Long-distance sled dog races, such as the Iditarod, require mushers to finish with only those dogs who started the race. Although none may be added to the team after the start, they can be dropped at any checkpoint and for any reason. A maximum of sixteen dogs may start in an Iditarod team, and at least five are required to be in harness to officially finish. Reasons for dropping dogs are numerous. Attitude problems, fatigue, illness, immaturity, injury, being “in heat,” lack of speed and musher strategy, are the more common ones.
Dropped dog care and management is highly organized to provide for the safe return of the dogs to Anchorage.
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Dropped dog care and management is highly organized to provide for the safe return of the dogs to Anchorage.
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Thanks fur sharing all of those pikhs!
AND fur hugging them fur ME!
We got your postkhard on Tuesday and have it on my blog fur today!
Thank woo!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Awww Kit!
I always have a raise in heart-beat when I open up your blog! So wish I was there with you all!
great pics!!
What beautiful pics of the restart! You look great and the dogs do, too! I see there are several handlers. Getting up is what falling is all about! Good job! SH
Ms. K thank you for all the valuable info what a thrill to read all your post!!! We are so glad your experience has been full of memories.
As for falling I guess you had on so many clothes you could hardly feel the fall.
Have a good trip home,
Hugs Madi and Mom
How exciting!!! I'm living vicariously through you!
We are having fun reading your updates! Thanks for the info!!
Woo Woooo
Shiloh, Shelby and their Mom
Very cool that you helped with the restart! I'd say that it's hard to keep a "Lab Lady" down!
That is just so totatly Awesome!!!
Hi Ms. K,
Thanks for clarifying about the dropped dogs. I'm glad I wasn't the only one confused or worried about them.
Dang, you fell twice? I don't know how you could keep yourself up with how squirmy the dogs are. So glad you got yourself back up! LOL!
Shannon and the Gang
We saw that great postcard you sent to Khyra and her Mom, bet you are having a blast. Too bad about the falls, but so glad you found your legs again:)
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Aha, safety first. Dropped dogs is probably a good term :) You fell? You know we care, a lot, but somehow we know you're a tough one. Keep enjoying!
Twinkie and gang
Every time I do a post on the Iditarod, I get a long paste comment from that awful Miami woman who wants to stop the race. I'm glad she hasn't found you yet.
Love your pictures.
Thanks for sharing all those pics with us!!!!
It seems sooooooooooooo exciting....
We want to come with you next time!!!!
Take care of you ok??!!!!
Glad to see you out there Kit. I'm working the dropped dogs when they come back to ANC. Maybe I'll see you there some time.
Good Job!
Wonderful photos! Thanks for clarifying the dropped dogs for us. It is so fun to read about the fun and excitement you are experiencing. I'm sure you even thought falling was fun ;o)
Hi sweet Kit,
You fell!! I am glad you didn't hurt yourself. It pays not to be too old when volunteering.
Thank you so much for your card. I got it today. It ment a lot to me that you thought of me in you so fun adventure.
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