I received this very special, belated Christmas card this week. It was sent from Julie and Venus at the Fairbanks Daily NewsMiner. They took the time to send cards to each person who had sent cards to the DNM during our Arctic Cam Card Shower.

I read this great quote on Arctic Cam comments, regarding the ratio of men to women in Alaska, which in some places is 7 to 1. (thx, Dee)
The odds are good, but the goods are odd!
(just kidding, Guys)

Greetings from San Francisco. I see it has "warmed" up a bit! Hey LabLady, I just want to say I LOVE your website. I have checked it out a couple of times and it puts a smile on my face and I thank you for that.
God bless,
bbuurrr!! it's cold in ak. hope everyone is staying warm. LabLady i finally was able to go on your website tonite,,,had a little extra time in this hectic life to do a little reading....i love it. have not finished reading all but i will finish tomorrow. your dogs are beautiful, i had a yellow lab named montana for 13 years, he passed away in 2005, i miss him everyday. i now have 2 jack russell terriers...big difference from the loveable lab! they are great little dogs, i just had to adjust to the terrier personality from the lab. thanks for sharing your website with all of us. have a great evening.
What fun to read the comments! You are making a difference! SH
I am so sorry for your loss.
Do you know the Rainbow Bridge poem?
Take care,
LL, your page was great, thanks for sharing. You look & sound like a very caring Alaskan-type person., without the duct tape.
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