Back row (L to R): Daddy, Grandpa Stanley, Grandma Martha, Mother
Across from Daddy: Uncle Gene-Ski

I love this photo. My parents met on a blind date in Savannah when Daddy was stationed at Parris Island, SC. Daddy was from Erie, Polish, and Catholic. Mother was the epitome of a Southern Belle (wannabe). They dated for 6 months, married, and spent their honeymoon on a train headed for Philadelphia (Daddy's next post).
Daddy's parents and Uncle Gene-Ski traveled to Philly to meet the newest member of the family. They had a dinner party with several of Daddy's Marine buddies and wives. I would have loved to have witnessed that meeting. Notice the frown on Grandma's face? I never saw that woman smile, honestly. Daddy always said she missed Poland. (Why?) Mother's smile looks a little forced, too.
Daddy had written every one's name on the photo. All the last names ended with -ski or -vich. I'm sure Daddy's friends (not Grandma) were amused by Mother's Southern Charm. Although, Mother was totally "out of her element", she always spoke fondly of their years spent in Philly. I can't say she ever spoke fondly of Grandma.

Goodmorning LabLady!! Pretty chilly one, huh? It is about -50 out here on Badger Road. I haven't been out, probably won't go out unless the house catches fire...LOL I hope your day is going well and ya'll are having a nice peaceful Sunday. That was a funny picture too!!
Wow. I love Sundays and your family photos. It almost makes me want to start a blog. I loved the story. Seems some people can be happy wherever they are and some can't ever be happy. Your poor mom. Sounds like it was a tough in-law relationship. What DID your Grandmother say she missed about Poland? Just curious. Reminds me of my travels in Russia in the late 1980's. I think every American traveling there thought every Russian would jump at the chance to live in America. What I saw were very happy people closely tied to their culture and happy with one another. Just not happy with the government. I always put myself in the shoe of the immigrant. Could I uproot, learn a new language, culture, foods, etc. and be happy. Heck I can't even move out of the house I grew up in! Thanks for sharing.
Hallo, LabLady. It's me - potpurka. Dziekuje za zaproszenie na twoj blog. Jesli pozwolisz, bede tu przychodzila czesciej. Chetnie poznam twoja historie. My name is Marta, tak jak twoja Grandmother :-)
Pozdrawiam - greeting :-)
I'm sorry, but I have poor knowledge of English. I read quite well, but wrong write.
Even though my grandparents settled in the section of Erie called "Little Poland", I think Grandma-ski missed her family, and the beautiful countryside she grew up in...Besides, have you ever been to Erie? chuckle
Thank you for your comment from Poland...I will try to translate.
Maybe we are cousins-giggle.
I love old photos. What a great post. It seems in many old photos people didn't know how to say "Cheese"
I really like seeing the old pics. Somehow I missed that your parents lived in Philly for awhile. Mamma and I rode by the old house on Malibou today. House looks the same...neighborhood is very different. And, of course, Mamma lives on a freeway! Is that a Newfie you're with? S
Hi...thanks for stopping by my blog today and visiting with Boo...Boo actually came from the North Georgia mountains and I have to say he's doing much better living in Marietta. We found him as a pup living in horrid conditions, no shelter no water no anything. His poor parents said to be "herding dogs" were so matted with dirt that you couldn't even recognize what breed they were. We drove home without him then thought better of it and drove the 2 1/2 hours back the next weekend to make him part of our family. He has lived the past ten years as King of this castle.We hate to even think that his life expectancy is a short time away....He has been a very special animal...
cool blog
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