Isn't she adorable? Honey Bun (my students named her) was my classroom pet and special "sidekick" for 10 years.
She passed away, peacefully in her sleep, this past July.
I enjoy large dogs, but I loved being able to snuggle with HB. Did you know you can hypnotize a rabbit if you place them gently on their backs? The kids loved that!

I've been tagged by Sweet Melissa at Sunbonnet Cottage to participate in a fun "Meme".
The directions are as follows: Open a document or photo folder and choose the fifth folder and then the fifth photo in that folder. Next, post the photo with a description about it and then tag 5 friends to do the same.
I tag:
1. MB at Four Silly Sisters
2. Kelli at Kelli's Blog
3. Tanya at Deep Creek Hollow
4. Amanda at 2 fun Sons
5. Deb at Posted From Home
Moon over Denali
Snipped from Talkeetna Air Webcam
Check out NPR station from Barrow:

Sounds like HB had a great life...thanks for sharing her story and sweet picture with us.
I loved seeing Honey Bun again! What a life she must have had! SH
I too have a lopear rabbit...he is about 8 years old and mean as a snake! He has never been loving and cuddly like I had hoped...I'd try the hypnosis on him if I could actually get him on his back, lol. Did you know rabbits growl? Me neither...but Floyd does. I bought him for Easter photos one year and he was a rascal right from the start. I just never had the heart to give him away (not that anyone would want a mean rabbit anyway) so he lives on the front porch at my house now. He is quite handsome though...light brown and white coat.
Thanks for the Meme...now I have to find 5 friends on here besides you, lol...any suggestions?
Thank you for playing along. Your bunny was adorable. She was one lucky bunny to have belonged to you.
Love Melissa
Honey Bun is adorable & I can see she was very loved! In my teens I had a lovely big rabbit named Cinders :-) Thanks for the tag ~ I will do that soon!
We're glad HB passed gently--like her life, we guess. :) She's very cuddly looking indeed. BTW, Denali is our dream destination!
Thanks for visiting our blog!
LabLady keep pointing out the beauty in the world.BTW you are still teaching, just have new students all over the world. God Bless us all.
What a lovely comment from "rocknroll"! SH
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