He also suspects that I have a sinus infection which is adding to the pressure/discomfort, so I'm on antibiotics and decongestant.
My favorite rendition...although Sarah isn't nearly as cute as Elmo...Enjoy!
Dentist didn't want to fix my toothache. He wanted to "rebuild" my entire mouth to the tune of $1500, minimum- (mouth splints, crowns, etc).
I had TMJ surgery several years ago and I know the difference between a toothache and joint issues...Going for a 2nd opinion tomorrow.
Happy Trails,
I had lunch with my former college roommate and dear friend yesterday. We had so many years to catch up on; marriages, children, grandchildren, our parents, friends, careers, and memories.
Love ya, S
Of course I wanted nothing to do with evil Mr. Stick and promptly threw him back into the woods, to rot!!!!
However, Sassy had other plans.
She retrieved Nasty Mr. Sticky and proceeded to get revenge for Sola.
"Die and rot in Hell, Mr. Stick, and may
you never inflict pain on another doggie!"
The last time we saw Mr. Stick he was crawling back into the woods, injured, but not dead.
You might enjoy these Eagle Cams:
Sutton Avian Research Center in Oklahoma: http://www.suttoncenter.org/eaglecam.html
Hancock Wildlife Refuge in British Columbia: (be sure volume is up )http://www.hancockwildlifechannel.org/staticpages/index.php/20090302200021473